September 15, 2024

Tom Wilson Makes Film About Starring in ‘Back to the Future’

Actor and comedian Tom Wilson, best known for playing Biff in the “Back to the Future” franchise, has made a film about starring in the beloved film franchise.  The film, titled “Humbly Super Famous,” takes a poignant and comedic look at his life as a semi-famous celebrity.

Over the course of his four-decade long career, Wilson has been featured in a variety of other films and television shows, including the film “April Fool’s Day” and the  series “Freaks and Geeks,” as well as dozens of animated voice over roles, including “Spongebob Square Pants.” However, he will likely always be most recognized as one on of cinema’s best known bullies. He is also an accomplished artist, painting pop culture inspired pieces, which you can see on his website. 

You can watch the hour long film below:

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