In a Twitter response to a Dwayne Johnson-inspired Black Adam sculpture, Johnson Tweeted that production on the Black Adam “Shazam” spinoff will begin in July of 2020. Johnson has been attached to the role for a decade, dating back to before “Batman vs Superman.” It’s been assumed that the success of “Shazam” would be a major factor in whether or not the “Black Adam” film would go forward (a villain spinoff of a superhero flop would not be likely, enen with the Rock attached), but given how successful “Shazam” was both critically and financially, Warner Bros has put “Black Adam” on the fast track.
Black Adam was teased in “Shazam” in as deleted scene (below), but we don’t expect to see the two face off against each other until “Shazam 3.”
Very cool man, thank you.
Amazing detail.
This project has been with me for over 10yrs?⚡️
Production begins this July.
Appreciate the support. #blackadam #dc https://t.co/h8TPXMbcTx— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 18, 2019