January 13, 2025

Carrie Fisher To Appear in “Episode IX” Sans CGI

After some speculation as to how Lucasfilm would handle the death of Carrie Fisher come time for Star Wars: Episode IX, the late actress’s brother made an announcement that should put some people at ease. At a screening at TCM Film Festival in Los Angeles, Todd Fisher stated that he and Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd have given Disney permission to use pre-existing footage of Carrie Fisher for scenes in Star Wars Episode IX.

“Both of us were like, ‘Yes, how do you take her out of it?’ And the answer is you don’t. She’s as much a part of it as anything and I think her presence now is even more powerful than it was, like Obi Wan — when the saber cuts him down he becomes more powerful. I feel like that’s what’s happened with Carrie. I think the legacy should continue.”

It was previously rumored that Disney might use a CGI version of Fisher, as they did briefly in Rogue One. The producers of the Fast and Furious franchise had to use some CGI when Paul Walker died, as much of that film had been completed when the actor died. Star Wars fans were not keen on that idea for the General in Episode IX, but Disney already stated that would not be the case.

More than likely there were some serious rewrites to the script, so what role Leia will now have in the film is still unclear. “I’m not the only part in that equation, but I think the people deserve to have her,” said Fisher. “She’s owned by them.”

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