January 20, 2025

Bruce Campbell is retiring from the role of Ash

This past Friday we reported the unfortunate news that STARZ had canceled “Ash vs Evil Dead” after three seasons, and while it was a bummer, there was hope that Bruce Campbell and gang could return again, whether it be  the show moving to another Network, or even another film in the franchise. Those hopes were quashed when Bruce announced that he is officially retiring from the role that made him famous. This was his post on Facebook:


Fans had been clamoring for more “Evil Dead” after years, with rumors of a sequel to “Army of Darkness” fanning the flames. But as Bruce mentions,  thanks to STARZ we were able to get 15 more hours from Ash, which equates to ten films (!), so we really can’t be that disappointed.

This website indirectly owes its existence to Bruce Campbell and Ash Williams. It was our mutual love for Bruce and the “Evil Dead” films that first brought Film Dumpster’s co-founders together. We have been lucky enough to have spoken to and/or interview Bruce on a number of occasions thanks to the site, including at the red carpet premiere of “Ash vs Evil Dead,” so we will always have a deep appreciation for the character that Bruce, Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert help bring to life.

It’s been an amazing ride, Ash Williams. A gory, violent, campy, funny, kick-ass ride. Thanks.


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