The incredibly mixed reviews of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has prompted Warner Brothers to take a cue from Marvel. The studio is handing the reins of the DC film franchise over to current Executive VP Jon Berg and DC’s chief content officer (and comic book writer) Geoff Johns. The two will co-run the newly created DC Films. Placing the responsibilities over to a small creative team, rather than by studio committee, seems like it would have been a no-brainer, given Marvel’s success with Kevin Feige’s handling of the MCU.
Berg has already been involved with the current DC films (BvS, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League), but Johns was previously primarily responsible for DC television successes (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl ). The goal is to try to turn the franchise around before it’s too late. With only one film under their belt, it was not the way the studio wanted to start off. It’s unclear if Johns’ will have a role in Justice League Part 1 (Suicide Squad is being released August 5th, and Wonder Woman just wrapped production), but The Flash is next up in the line up (with a March 23rd, 2018 release date), so it can be assumed that film will be the first for the creative team.
Source: THR