February 17, 2025

The Dark Tower Finds a Director

Nikolaj Arcel, the co-writer of the original Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, as well as the director of A Royal Affair, has been hired by Sony to direct the film adaption of Stephen King’s epic series, “The Dark Tower.” Original director Ron Howard is attached to produce. Arcel will direct the first film in a projected eight film series, which will be based on the first book in the series. “The Gunslinger.” In addition to the eight films, a television series is also being developed to fill in gaps between the films.

Wait, what? Eight films AND a television series? I’d like to go on record by saying that this is a bad idea. First of all, this adaption has been in development hell for the better part of a decade, which is never a good sign. Second, unless they are making the best series of movies ever put on screen AS WELL as a phenomenal TV series, they can’t possibly sustain the franchise. Not to mention, very few viewers have that kind of devotion. Wanna throw in a web motion comic, as well as an interactive app too? And maybe a weekly serial in Parade Magazine? I think Game of Thrones has shown us that a cable channel like HBO is probably best suited for epic book adaptions, not some warped amalgam of mediums.


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