March 6, 2025

Kevin Smith to Produce Anime-Inspired He-Man Series for Netflix

Power-Con attendees were initially surprised to learn that filmmaker Kevin Smith would be attending the annual  He-Man and She-Ra Toy & Comic Book convention to interview Mattel Television Vice President Bob David. They were even more surprised when Smith announced at the con that he would be showrunning and executive producing a new anime-inspired He-Man series for Netflix. Titled Masters of the Universe: Revelation, the series will be a follow up to the original 80’s series and  will focus on some of unresolved storylines. Smith had this to say about the series:

“I’m Eternia-ly grateful to Mattel TV and Netflix for entrusting me with not only the secrets of Grayskull, but also their entire Universe. In ‘Revelation,’ we pick up right where the classic era left off to tell an epic tale of what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor! Brought to life with the most metal character designs Powerhouse Animation can contain in the frame, this is the Masters of the Universe story you always wanted to see as a kid!”

Powerhouse Animation, who produced the Castlevania series for Netflix, will oversee animation. This isn’t the first time the classic cartoon has been launched. In 1990 The New Adventures of He-Man premiered which was meant as a retooling of the original series, with a reboot airing on Cartoon Network in 2002. In addition to He-Man, Smith is slated to write and produce a Howard the Duck animated series for the upcoming Disney +.

Source: Variety



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