July 26, 2024

Johnny Depp Facing Possible Jail Time

Johhny Depp  facing a possible 10-year prison sentence in Australia for failing to declare dogs to customs officials and follow through with proper quarantine procedures. Depp was in Austrailia filming the latest Pirates of the Caribbean. No one would have even know about the animals’ illegal presense, but local salon shared pictures of the dogs on social media.

Depp and his wife obeyed orders to fly the pets out of the country by May 16, or face having the Yorkshire terriers put down. But Depp could still face pentalties for ignoring animal immigration procedures. Officials agreed the matter is “very serious” and have stated  the actor could face jail time or a hefty fine, which could top $250,000. For a country founded by a bunch of convicted felons, they sure take their lame laws seriously. It’s bad enough that Australia is only known for Paul Hogan and bloomin’ onions, do they also want to be known as the country that jailed Jack Sparrow over a couple of pooches?

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