In an interview with Vulture about SNL’s upcoming 46th season, Lorne Michaels revealed that Jim Carrey will be portraying former Vice President and current Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden in the upcoming season. “You’ll see the same people. I mean, Maya Rudolph is coming back, and Alec [Baldwin] will be back. And Jim Carrey is going to do Biden,” stated Michaels. He also stated it was Carrey who approached him for the role. “It came down to discussions of what his take was… He will give the part energy and strength, and hopefully, it’s funny.”
Jason Sudeikis portrayed Biden during Barack Obama’s Presidency, and most recently Woody Harrelson has guest spotted to play him. Carrey, whose stand up career began with some pretty dead-on impressions, famously auditioned for SNL but did not get cast in the show, though he went on to make his mark in sketch comedy on “In Living Color.” He has since returned to SNL host the show.