So Fox was all set to roll into production with another installment into the X-Men franchise as they are near production on a solo Gambit film. They recently hired Rupert Wyatt as the film’s director and were planning to release the movie late next year. It has been known that Channing Tatum was going to playing the card wielding superhero with that distinctive drawl, but The Wrap just got news that, that may be no more. It looks as if Channing Tatum is exiting the role.
There are no details as to why he is leaving the production and who may replace him. It looks like they will continue forward without him and lets face it the production will most likely be better of with out him. I mean really, did anyone want to see Channing Tatum as Gambit? There are a plethora of qualified actors who I am sure would be chomping at the bit to step into those shoes. If they are still shooting for a late 2016 release date then they will need to move fast to fill the role. With such a tight production schedule I am sure we will learn more in the next few weeks. If the production schedule stays on track that will make three X-Men movies next year: Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse and Gambit. A Gambit movie has the potential to be pretty cool and let’s face it folks this really is good news! I mean no one wants a Chaffed Taint while sitting for two hours in those uncomfortable movie seats!