A little while back we reported that Nathan Fillion was interested in playing comic book hero Booster Bold on the big screen. Well, Fillian’s former Firefly co-star, Alan Tudyk, said he would gladly play Blue Beetle to Fillion’s Booster Gold. While talking to Comic Book Movie, he had this to say:
“Well that’s great. If it’s working with Nathan, I’m in. Also, being a bug for me? I’d like that. Roly-poly is nice. I’d like to be one of them. That’s what we called them back in Texas, but they’re almost a beetle.”
The pair can currently be seen together in their new web series Con Man, about the life of a sci-fi actor in on the comic con world. Fillion and Tudyk have the perfect on screen chemistry to play the buddy superheroes. Obviously both of their comments were made in passing, and will likely never come to fruition, but Warner Bros. really should make this happen. Immediately. Seriously. Now. Do it.