December 22, 2024

Teaser Trailer for Episode VIII Released has released this short teaser video/trailer, announcing that production has begun on Star Wars Episode VIII. While teaser trailers to announce teaser trailers is a fairly new trend, this might be the first teaser to announce production. Yes, it’s a bit odd, but it’s Star Wars, so we’re not questioning it. What is also odd is that a teaser for Episode VIII, which isn’t opening until December 17, 2017,  was put out before any type of teaser for Rogue One, which opens on December 16th of this year.

While the purpose of the video is to announce that they’ve begun filming, it’s a bit misleading, as the scene they were shooting here, a continuation of the last scene of Episode VII, was shot while filming The Force Awakens. So technically we’re not seeing new filming for Episode VIII, but rather stuff that was shot for the film a while back. It’s still pretty cool though.

SPOILER WARNING: As mentioned, the teaser contains the very last scene of The Force Awakens, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you may not want to watch (though to be honest, if you haven’t watched Episode VII yet, you’re likely not even reading this post).

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