March 29, 2025


Okay so really? A reboot huh? Did the satan sucking marketing gurus focus group this concept into existence? “But its not technically a remake if they are restarting the series from the beginning with a whole new blah blah blah.” Shut up, please shut the fuck up! IT IS A GODAMN REMAKE!!! Go ahead try to argue with me about it. I invite you to, so that I can ridicule you for your lack of intelligence and easily herdable sensibilities. This culture is in such an empty out of control spiral that we are even content to buy into this happy horseshit! It’s a remake folks. They are remaking the same stories, with the same characters, and same general plot lines. If a movie is based off of the same characters and plot lines as a previous film, then it is a remake. That is the basic definition of a remake. Calling it a reboot is just a way to convince movie goers to spend their money on the same shit they just saw a few years ago. Not only that, but a crappier version than its predecessors most likely. I mean really do you honestly think the “new” Spiderman is gonna be better than the last? Case in point; the “new” Conan movie, huge steaming pile of shit, yes? The original, as hokey as it was at least had charm. Either way, there was a movie made of the same name based off the same basic plot. They all probably suck, remakes usually do! But let’s face it they are remakes not reboots, no matter how badly the cultural teet wants you to think of them as something else, something shiny and new, they aren’t! Let’s face it, there are no new ideas, just old ones in new packaging. Novelty is a dead issue. End of story.

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