March 13, 2025

Indy 5 Confirmed (?)

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Kathleen Kennedy  confirmed that there have been talks of a fifth Indiana Jones film.

“[Another Indiana Jones movie] will one day be made inside this company. When it will happen, I’m not quite sure. We haven’t started working on a script yet, but we are talking about it.”

Sure that’s promising news, but so was the news that they were making Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It’s no secret that the the fourth Indy movie unwhelmed a bit, so it’s tough to get too excited about a new one until our butts are in the theaters watching it.

The rather vague statement from Kennedy also does nothing to address the rumors that a new Indy film will be reboot, rather than a sequel. Chris Pratt has been rumored to take over the role, but its seems more speculative than anything. Recasting one of the most iconic roles in film history might be a bit tough. Had they done it right  after Last Crusade, they could have had the potential of making the role Bond like, and recasting every few movies.

Man, it would be nice to see Harrison Ford take one last crack at it though (whip pun intended).


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