So the Holiday season is upon us and Hollywood has its usual line up of crappy secondhand blockbusters, Christmas Cartoons, and boring Award seizing schlock! Yep it’s the time of year when actors show us what they are made of by turning out biopic performances and those, daring roles of playing either a mental impaired but big hearted tard or a sick gay person. Oh yeah, and Meryl Streep is in something so she gets a nomination.
Seriously, every year November and December are set aside for the mini-summer blockbuster releases and an onslaught of Hollywood “independent” award seeking cinema. And once again it all looks like shit to me. Okay, maybe I’ll go check out the new Sherlock Holmes movie or one of the few decent looking award seeking films like Alexander Payne’s the Decendents, but only because I don’t have much of a choice. The only movie that looks like it may really be worth seeing is David Finchner’s Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, which wouldn’t have been made if Americans could read and actually saw the one made by Niels Arden Oplev just two years ago! So after taking a look at this winter’s line-up we have at least six movies based on a book, comic or TV show; ten sequels to recent crap, and four Biopic/”true Stories”; and only about five original movies (most of which you’ll have to choke down the likes of Adam Sandler, Jonah Hill and Ben Stiller, barf!). So that’s well over twenty movies based on previous material vs. five, dare I say original ideas! Okay, truth be told those are probably the general stats at any given time in our cineplexes, but I felt the need to point it out!
So in the end, we are all better off just throwing in the blu-ray addition of The Big Lebowski, making a cheap bag of microwaved popcorn, a white russian and telling Hollywood to kiss our collective ass, man!!!!!