March 27, 2025

Remembering Tony Lorenzo

One year ago, Film Dumpster lost one of its family members. Tony Lorenzo was best known as the guitar player for the metal band Sons of ...
Posted in Blogs, Tony LorenzoTagged

Guess what is about to get it’s own feature film…..

Do you think that Hollywood has run out of ideas? It seems like everything and anything is ripe to be turned into a feature film ...
Posted in Blogs, News, Tony LorenzoTagged

Obvious sequel isn’t obvious sequel..

“I wouldn’t call this a Superman sequel. This is Batman versus Superman, so it’s a separate entity altogether. It’s introducing the Batman character, and expanding ...
Posted in Blogs, News, Tony LorenzoTagged

The newest face of the dark side : Kylo Ren

As the Star Wars celebration rolls on in Aneheim California all week until Sunday, we have been getting bits and pieces of the latest Episode ...
Posted in Blogs, Comic News, News, Tony Lorenzo