According to Bryan Singer’s Instagram page, the next film will be an adaption of the Jules Verne classic “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” He posted a picture of the script, along with this statement:
“It’s my 50th birthday (ouch), and I just put the finishing touches on the script for my next film. A story I’ve wanted to retell since childhood. I promise this will be an epic and emotional adventure for all ages! An adventure very dear to my heart. Not abandoning the #xmenuniverse. Very excited about#xmenapocalypse and beyond.”
The last big screen adaption of the book was Disney’s Academy Award winning 1954 film starring Kirk Douglas and James Mason, although there have been a variety of television and straight to video versions produced. One could look at this as yet another non-original story being produced, but there is a number of Victorian Era science fiction works of literature (particularly by Jules Vern and H.G. Wells) that haven’t had a proper film adaptations, particularly with today’s technology. If this film is successful at all, expect to see a slew of classic science fiction books being adapted.